Arbitration - Mediation - Fact Finding

Attorney at Law

Passion. Experience. Diligence.

An individual’s story is unique, and thus comes with a unique set of circumstances that must be acknowledged without preconceived notions. That’s why at Sciarrillo ADR, our neutrals take time to get to know your case, while also providing an unbiased, efficient, knowledgable, and personable experience to help our clients find mutual interests.

Areas of Practice


In arbitration, we use our knowledge and experience to make a final decision on the dispute between the parties. We work in both binding and advisory arbitration situations. We see arbitration as an expeditious and practical solution to the resolution of a dispute. While arbitration is an adjudicate process, it contains the elements of the alternate dispute resolution with the addition of the binding effect of a decision. As a result, the parties have the ability to approach and to reevaluate their cases during the arbitration process. Our decisions are prepared after a careful consideration of the testimony of the witnesses, the documents and evidence provided, the arguments of counsel and the briefs submitted by the parties.


In mediation, we work collaboratively to assist parties to reach an agreement. Our role is to assist and encourage the parties to find their mutually acceptable point of agreement.

We use a variety of conflict resolution techniques to assist parties in finding a solution to their disagreement. We have extensive experience in labor relations, personnel matters, and employment matters. We are compassionate and straight forward. We have spent over four decades in the business world, and we have in-depth understanding of the issues that commonly arise in a labor management or corporate setting. We work to facilitate an agreement in a respectful, professional, expeditious environment.

Fact Finding

In fact finding, we work to allow each party to present “the facts, evidence and data” in support of its position. Fact finding typically involves two stages. In the first stage, we attempt to mediate a resolution. If that mediation effort is unsuccessful, we move the parties to the second stage which is a more formal hearing designed to give each party the opportunity to present relevant, subjective facts to persuade the fact finder as to the validity of its position. Often as a result of the more formal phase, we write a written report with non-binding recommendations for resolution. The overall goal is to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. While facts, statistics, data, and information serve as the basis for a fact finder’s recommendation, the process is also about finding an acceptable resolution. Depending on the number and/or complexity of the issues included in fact finding, the parties may submit post-hearing briefs. The post-hearing brief gives each party the opportunity to reiterate the issues in dispute, articulate its position, and summarize evidence, data, facts and arguments in support of its position. Post-hearing briefs also provide an opportunity to rebut the opposing party’s arguments, data and positions. In the absence of briefs, we base our recommendations on statistics, data, facts, evidence, and arguments provided by the parties during the process or at the hearing. The emphasis in fact finding continues to be on the parties’ self determination of a negotiated outcome rather than on an externally imposed outcome.

Get in Touch

Our team is experienced in a variety of areas. Use the link to contact Sciarrillo ADR today.